What Readers Say......
Praise for Donna Ferres and Undying Will
"It takes the rawest kind of courage to do what Donna has done. In Undying Will she takes a step most victims can never do -- that of publicly baring her soul to reach out and help other survivors of violent rape." Judith D. Pulte, MA, Mental Health Counselor "Your book is wonderfully written, gripping and emotional. I admire the way you spoke from the heart. You have attained the one purpose you have worked so hard to do and that is making a difference. I consider myself lucky to have purchased and have read your book. I've learned that one can restore their spirit with perseverance and courage." Kristi Torrico, American Airlines Pilot "Thank you ever so much for your undying will and for the positive difference you are making in so many lives. My name is Lynn and I, too, have survived violence. While my elderly parents were visiting, I purchased your book, Undying Will, in hopes they would read it and finally come to an understanding within themselves. THAT HAPPENED! Through the voice of the keyboard you were able to communicate to them the very things I've strived for them to understand all along. Thank you. Thank you very much." Lynn Ritter, Survivor "Undying Will is such an appropriate name for Ms. Ferres' book. She displays the ultimate in courage, determination and will of any individual I have ever met. The style in which it is written left me speechless and rendered me fact-to-face with the reality of sexual assault. I truly felt the emotional anguish and devastation that Ms. Ferres experienced. I am honored to know her and would recommend Undying Will. It definitely would be an asset to any victim or family member of sexual assault." Melanie Geenen, Rape Trauma Center, Florida "Although I was initially compelled to feel sadness and sympathy for Donna because she had to endure pain and suffering that someone else intentionally inflicted, I am proud to know that she intends her pain to take away pain from others, because she knows that pain to well." Janet M. Couet, MA "Ms. Ferres honestly explores the range of emotions anyone experiences from a traumatic event. We have recommended Undying Will to several friends as an aid in the healing process. In times of crisis, it is helpful to know your feelings are not unusual and others experience similar emotions. This book deals with the survival of a terrible crime, the enduring emotional strength she discovered with her soul and the hope of a better life." Tom and Donna Chase "Donna's story will effect everyone. Both men and women can learn from her and become aware of how her life was changed and why." Steve A. Hawks, Sr. VP Paine Webber "Ms. Ferres' book, Undying Will, is a testament to the indomitable nature of the human spirit. It is a study in overcoming adversity, of perseverance, of triumph over evil. Eventually Ms. Ferres was able to cut through the nonsense of lawyers and court procedures and parole hearings, too, facing her attacker and making sure he stayed in jail. And in the middle of all this, she had to reclaim her spirit, for it was more broken than her body. Most of us stumble over a few bumps in the road. Read Donna Ferres's book to put your own troubles into perspective and know that you, too, can triumph." Drollene Brown, Editor